Truth is, real life has repeatedly got in the way of The End is Nigh - since the last flurry of updates I've changed job, moved from north to south, and taken on greater responsibilities in both work and my other hobbies.
I am now forced to admit that the end has come for The End is Nigh, as I simply no longer have the time in the day to devote to producing the magazine or keeping abreast of the many eschatological developments in the world.
It's been a great ride and thank you so much to every single one of my many, varied and talented contributors for their hard work, perseverance and patience. I'm not the easiest editor to work with, but you guys all made The End is Nigh what it is - utterly unique, wonderfully entertaining and a blast from beginning to end.
I'd also like to thank everyone who bought an issue - you made the credit card bills slightly easier to deal with.
Two final thank yous - the first goes to those girlfriends who, over the years, have had to tolerate weeks of me never going to bed, becoming irritable at the smallest of things and swearing endlessly at my computer. The second goes to Paul Scott, who came up with the whole idea in the first place. Thank you, Paul - it's been great :)
So... this is the end.
And, like all ends, it's merely a different kind of beginning.
Mike Molcher